Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Todd and I don't watch that much TV, but whenever we do, we get so annoyed with the "overdoing" of certain commercials. For instance, for what feels like 10 years now we have been bombarded with the whole DTV change-over thing that doesn't happen until Feb 17, 2009. I really think we've had enough warning considering the commercials are on at least once every 10 minutes, and have been that way for over a year. However, it will be entertaining to hear about all of the people who call the poor TV station to complain that their TV isn't working on February 17th. Todd and I are going to have a big party to celebrate not having to watch any of those silly commercials anymore!

Other annoying commercials that I am sick of (and keep in mind, that we really don't watch a lot of tv, yet we are still annoyed with the little bit we do see):

- The Alltell commercials with the 4 competitor dudes constantly being beat up or thrown out on the road. I really think this series has gone on way too long.
- The "Head On- apply directly to your head" commercials. This is so annoying they even make fun of themselves, yet still seem to air a commercial during every episode of Jeopardy I've ever seen.
- Any commercial that comes on 10 times louder than the program we are watching. I used to work at a TV station and I know they can fix this prior to airing it:)
- Although they are coming up soon and we won't have to worry about it anymore, the Olympic commercials can be a bit much. We get it... they start on 8-8-08!

Feel free to add to my list if you can think of any that I haven't listed! Hopefully this problem will go away on February 17, 2009 when our TV stops working. I really wish they'd warn us when they are going to make big changes like that:)

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