Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lumpy bed (the sequel)

Once again I was making the bed this morning and there was a lump under the pillows. You may remember when this happened last.

Let's get a closer look...

Ah ha! The culprit!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Monkey got a haircut!

We were so thankful that Gigi and her IPhone joined us! I would have never thought to show her pictures to get her to sit still. Ah, aren't grandparents great?!

On a side note: I (with my father-in-law's assistance) changed the brake lights on my car today! 2 out of 3 of them were out! Can't you just hear the song "I am woman" playing in the background as you read this.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Couch Potatoe

Now that Todd is gone, I'm pretty much here every night of the week after 7:30pm (that's Hannah's bedtime). So... I'm trying to figure out some things to do besides sitting on the couch watching tv and blog stalking folks (some that I don't even know).

So I need ideas for a hobby or something! Post a comment and give me some suggestions PLEASE! Preferably something that doesn't cost a lot of money... or make a ton of noise!