Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Someone actually posted this sign on the light pole across the street from our house.

Really? Is the parrot just hanging out in the neighborhood? I love how it has specific instructions to tell us how to "capture" the parrot if we have an encounter with it. And how does a parrot get loose anyway? Next week I'm going to put up a sign saying "LOST: GOLDFISH" "Goes by the name Nemo... If found, please call..."

1 comment :

Chris and Emily said...

ok - i am so glad I stumbled on your blog through one of my blog tracker things because this post made me laugh so hard and I really needed a laugh today...

I kid you not, that a month or so ago, I was riding down the road near our house and there was a man on a moped with a GREEN PARROT sitting on his shoulders. I almost had to pull over because I was laughing so hard...what are the chances of two crazy green parrot encounter....

thanks for checking in on us.