Wednesday, April 10, 2013

In case you were keeping track...

Things that I found in the diaper bag this morning:
1.  Hannah's half full water bottle (which may have been leaking slowly since yesterday)
2.  Half of a granola bar ( I cannot claim to know how long ago that was put in the diaper bag)
3.  Hannah's dirty socks

Things that I did not find in the diaper bag this morning:
1.  diapers

Thoughts running through my head every morning as I drive Hannah to school:
1.  Am I going to get a shower today?
2.  Did I turn off my straight iron?  (This only applies to mornings that I took a shower)
3.  Did I leave the dog outside?
4.  Did I put Hannah's lunchbox in her bookbag?
5.  Does Hannah have shoes on?
6.  Did I shut the garage door?
7.  Is Hunter in the car?

Things often said while grocery shopping with both children:
1.  You cannot ride in the grocery part of the grocery cart.
2.  Stay with me
3.  Don't touch that
4.  We don't need that
5.  You'll never eat that
6.  Yes, I know he's crying
7.  Keep walking
8.  Stop walking in front of the cart

Things that do not cure Hunter's colic:
1.  Shushing
2.  Pacing
3.  Car rides
4.  Going outside
5.  Singing
6.  NCAA basketball

Things that help with Hunter's colicy nights:
1.  Alcohol (so I've heard)
2.  Earplugs
3.  Taking shifts with Todd
4.  Loud music
5.  Running water

Children I love more than anything:
1.  Hannah Mae Lyle
1.  Hunter Todd Lyle


Katie said...

Awww! Love it. I particularly love the "Is Hunter in the car?" question. Happens to me all the time! Sorry to hear about the colic. You'll get thru it!

Tricia said...

love the things in the diaper bag. that is funny. :)

gneebee said...

I actually left Wesley "out of the car" several times. 'Should have asked the question. Now we know his problem!