Monday, September 20, 2010

I never thought I would....

1. use a crock-pot this much.
2. look forward to going into the office to work (even if it is only like 5 hours a week).
3. kind-of enjoy watching a cartoon featuring a ghetto dude named "DJ Lance" dressed in an orange jumpsuit (the spandex kind, not the death row kind.)
4. appreciate a good playground as much as I do.
5. dream of the nicer vacuum or steam mop.
6. sing "Wheels on a bus" about eleventy-million times a day (and yes, eleventy-million is an exact figure)
7. want to hug a total stranger who is willing to take my empty buggy from me in the store parking lot so I don't have to walk it back to the buggy corral.
8. consider 7:15 am sleeping in!
9. say the following...
" put the poo poo in the potty"
"no, we don't ride the dog"
"no screeching! no screeching! no screeching!"
"leave your shoes on in the car"
"no, that's mommy's toothbrush. it doesn't belong in the trash"
"we need to let the kitty cat sleep"
10. describe things as yucky, stinky, dirty, silly or smelly.

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